Sunday, March 30, 2008


I was doin a sort of spring cleaning of my room and my table when i found a old sheet of paper, all torn and with something barely legible scribbled on it. The date on one end read 2nd August 2007. Wth much difficulty i started to read hat it was and understood hat it was an Ode to Mr. Maveli. In another fortnight we had celerated Onam, but i never posted ths anywhere. Lest you be mistaken, this is not a try at creating a poetic magnum opus. Just a few sentences dat i could muster up in my pathetic style. Read on...

Fill our hearts with pride and brotherhood abound,
for in days to see, before another fortnight that pass aroud,
away from a world somewere that none has seen or felt so far,
would he come, our king, spreading warmth as he did in history afar.

The spirit still is felt and never will fade in hearts of toddlers to th ages so old,
with charm, Onam we all call this fest, awaiting a year, braving all hot and all cold,
for always we know he would come again to see us merry, from th youngest to the old,
though to see them prosper, he gave up all and travelled to the netherworld.

Oh soverign! for thou the cours bloom in different flowers around,
amidst dainty damsls clapping aloud, dance the blithe flames on lamps aplenty
happiness that thy seek spreads from door to door like an exotic posy,
from dawn to dusk even the ants and elephants dance gleeful and merry.

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